Letter of Credit

LCs are employed in international transactions to guarantee the receipt of payment, especially in situations where the buyer and seller may lack familiarity and operate in distinct geographic locations.

We handle two types of Letters of Credit

At Sight

Payment is made immediately, typically within five to ten days, once the seller fulfills the conditions outlined in the letter of credit.


Also known as Deferred Payment LC, Time LC, or Term LC, this type of letter of credit allows payment at a predetermined time or future date after the submission of conforming documents.

General Ask

  • Applicant sends us the pro-forma/sales invoice.
  • Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd will create a draft instrument and send a quote to you stating our charges (to be paid in advance).
  • Once the draft has been accepted, an indemnity with be sent to you (KYC/AML/due diligence) documents which need to be signed and notarized by a lawyer.
  • We also send you a formal invoice for our indemnity process and issuance charges.
  • Once our invoice has been paid, along with all indemnity documents, subject to legal and compliance acceptance, we will SWIFT the instrument to the beneficiary's bank.
  • Escrow account facilities with a UK third party are also available to assist in settlement of invoices, and we request for a commitment fee along with Escrow administration charges.
  • The beneficiary sends the goods to you and the documents to us.
  • Once documents have arrived, we have three business days to act on it, after which, if formally accepted, we send you a copy of the documents.
  • Upon acceptance of the documents, you will be required to pay the beneficiary. When completed, we send you all the original documents.
  • Goods arrive.

Standby Letter of Credit

A standby letter of credit (SBLC) is a payment guarantee issued by a bank on behalf of a client, serving as a 'payment of last resort' in case the client fails to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party.

Standby letters of credit are established as a gesture of trust in business transactions, providing evidence of a buyer's creditworthiness and repayment capabilities.

The institution issuing the SBLC conducts compliance and brief underwriting procedures to assess the credit quality of the party seeking the letter of credit. Subsequently, notification is sent to the bank of the party requesting the SBLC, typically a seller or creditor.

Crucially, when applying for an SBLC, a business owner demonstrates to the bank their ability to repay the loan. Collateral, such as promissory notes, post-dated cheques, and Escrow deposits, is required to safeguard the bank in the event of default. Additionally, the business owner is obligated to pay an annual SBLC fee, typically ranging from 5-10% of the SBLC value.

General Ask

  1. Applicant sends us underlying contract (Ex: Sales Contract / pro-forma invoice).
  2. Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd will create a draft instrument and send a quote with our charges (to be paid in advance).
  3. Once the draft has been accepted, we send the indemnity (KYC/AML/due diligence) documents which need to be signed and notarised by a lawyer.
  4. We also send you a formal invoice for our indemnity process and issuance charges.
  5. Once we receive our charges and all DD checks are completed and approved, along with all indemnity documents, we will SWIFT the instrument to the beneficiary's bank immediately.
  6. Beneficiary is paid at least 14 days before the expiry date (Up to 2 years from SBLC issue date).

Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd DISCLAIMER

Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd operates as a group of companies with its registered office in Australia. Specifically, Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd (REGISTERED OFFICE) functions as a Class A International Trade Finance Institution, operating in accordance with the revised laws of Australia. The granted license authorizes the company to engage in business transactions with third parties globally, spanning various industries and geographies. This office is subject to regulation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority in Australia and does not offer services to any natural person or legal entity within Australia.

Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd (REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE) is established under the laws of Australia and holds company registration number 07520196. This entity operates as a trade financial institution, specializing in facilitating international business transactions through the issuance and relay of various trade finance instruments. The Representative Office, based in London, exclusively offers Letters of Credit and Standby Letters of Credit to corporate clients. It's important to note that this office does not engage in regulated or controlled services or activities.

Important Notice: Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd strongly advises its customers to report any suspicions they may have concerning the identity of intermediaries promoting the Bank's products or services, especially those with similar names. To ensure authenticity, kindly verify with Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd by calling the Trade Finance Institution's Customer Service Number at +61 485 951 084 or emailing support@globalfundings.org. Additionally, please exercise caution regarding fraudulent SMS messages, voice calls, or any attempts by impostors who misrepresent services and impersonate Global Funding Australia PTY Ltd staff.